Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Joe the Gift That Won't Stop Giving

You really gotta hand it to Joe the Plumber. Here's a dude who is coming out saying that he's just not interested in paying taxes, yet was incredibly curious about how much in taxes he would hafta pay if he made $250K, even though he is presently unemployed. I suppose that's like a starving man worrying about how clean the toilets are.

But just when I think my man can't top himself, I read an article like this for laughs. Apparently he's starting a charity website at

But I'm reading along, and I see this, and I'm floored the writer didn't pounce on this:Link
"Americans have always been great at giving to charities. We give more than any other country in the world. Let's direct it here more at home. Obama at the federal level, he is going to dictate and take more out of my pocket and tell me who to give it to? You know I am a pretty nice guy, you know I give to charities, I give to my church. You know, Joe the Biden, what he gave -- $3,000 last year -- and this guy makes millions? Come on, you know, that's just ridiculous."
"Joe the Biden"? Am I dreaming, or did he actually say that?

Wow. What the fuck did we do before Joe the Plumber??!?!! :)

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