Monday, November 10, 2008


One thing right-wing supporters are going to have to suck on for a while is how foolish they look as they're leaving the White House. Eight years ago we were snidely told "the adults are here now!" Their administration would be a buttoned-down, no-nonsense CEO one, unlike Clinton's late-night pizza parties. And I've said here MANY times that while I expected to be lied to and to disagree with their policies, I certainly thought well, these are going to be serious people doing serious things.

And now, eight years later, they're slinking out of town looking like fools after almost a decade of Animal House-like spending, countless sex scandals, zero accountability and a list of times getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar far too long to count. And of all people, it's "the most liberal Senator" who is coming in to clean up after them. The tree-hugging, French-loving surrender monkeys are the ones who have to be the grown ups, who will spend years untying the knots and apologizing for the last eight years. They are like the parents coming home from a weekend vacation and the kids have trashed their house with a party. It's hard to imagine a Republican right now not being embarrassed of Bush as he leaves office, much less proud of him. Say what you want about Clinton being an embarrassment, but he certainly left the country in a far better place than he received it - and the only mess he left could be cleaned up with a Kleenex.

1 comment:

Kleingärtner said...

Kleenex! Great line, Rot!