Saturday, November 29, 2008

Life Lessons

Via Andrew Sullivan I learned about this dating site for fans of Ayn Rand. Laughing at the thought of such a site I couldn't help think what do you talk about after the initial "I love Ayn Rand!" intro wears out? Or when you realize you're both eunuchs whose best friends are flowers and whispers?

But then I realized you know what, who am I to talk? Am I not a lifetime member of The Garfsphere: Connecting Admirers of Garfield Weighs In and Garfield at Large (fans of Garfield Eats His Heart Out need not apply, btw)? So maybe I can get off my high horse a little bit here. Or, as my new friends over at The Shitsphere: Connecting Admirers of The Best of German Scat Porn, Volumes I-XII would say, "Judge not, lest you be judged, that's not chocolate."

It's called live and let live, people.

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