Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I'm terrible with money. Awful. Basically, I'm hoping to get married so that my wife can be in charge of all the money. One example is my loose definition of "found money." I'll dig into one pocket and be like "okay, there's $200 here...I'll use this responsibly, pay what I gotta pay, put some aside to save." Then I'll dig into my other pocket and WHAT DO YOU KNOW!!! $50!! Well, THAT $50 is different, it wasn't in the first pile; THIS is FOUND money!!! Heeeeellllllllloooooooo Turkey's Nest!!!!!


1 comment:

Will said...

really? you make so much money you would lose 200 in one pocket and 50 in the other? you are so well off you dont know where all the money is.
