Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nail on the Coffin

Interesting language over at ThinkProgress re: Iran acquiring enough uranium for a nuke:

But make no mistake: Iran achieved this milestone on President Bush’s watch.

I don't see how that's possible - isn't there some way to blame this on Clinton? Oh wait, just like the recession, this is all Obama's fault, right?

Some day Republicans are going to hafta come to the grips with the fact that yes, a lot of bad shit happened on Bush's watch, and some of it was because he was such a shitty president. One of my favorite things Republicans like to say is how unlucky Bush was that 9/11 "happened to him." They shrug their shoulders as if saying hey, it was bad luck, could've happened to anybody. While I do him a favor and completely ignore the memos he received about Bin Laden while playing brushfireman in Texas, my first point is that BUSH sure didn't think it was bad luck at the time, did he? He is on record yammering about how to be a great president you need a war; when 9/11 happened he was happy as a pig in shit - now he could have his war so he could be one of the "great ones," he could avenge his daddy, and he could play pretend soldier and pound his chest like a fucking idiot.

And secondly on the whole "gee, it happened to him, bad luck" thing is that yes, it happened on his watch...but he didn't have to then go and screw up anything and everything within sight, did he? Lincoln was handed the Civil War - did he panic, attack Canada and completely drive the country into the ground? No. He had a fucking brain. Same with FDR. So having 9/11 on your watch doesn't excuse every action you make thereafter. Bad shit can happen on your watch - leadership is not only getting the country through it, but finding a higher place. Bush has done niether.

And now, after 8 years of their blathering on and on about toughness, not talking to Iran etc etc, they have this on their CV. And you know why?

Cause he was a shitty fucking president.

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