Sunday, November 16, 2008

Oh, Jesus Christ

Last year I mentioned having watched the HBO doc Friends of God HERE. As a side note, I notice that's the first time I brought up my idea of men being able to buy fake titties, have 'em put on a piece of plyboard or something. How this idea has not taken off is beyond me.

Anyway, I'm watching the doc again this morning and I notice that a theme throughout is marveling that whatever pain we go through today is nothing in comparison to what Christ went through on the cross. In particular, the President of the Christian Wrestling Federation was effusive in his praise for Jesus, proclaiming that his pain from being thrown around by other large men "pales in comparison" to what Jesus went through on the cross.

Really? Since I also saw some show on the History Channel the other night about crucifixion, I'm a bit of an expert on the subject. If Jesus was nailed to the cross, he died within hours. A grisly death, yes...but not a bad deal if in return you are LITERALLY worshipped for thousands of years by billions of people, no? Hey, thousands of dudes were crucified, do any of them have ridiculously popular religions named after them? Any wars waged over them?

Plus, let's be honest, Jesus was no spring chicken - the life expectancy back then was 20-30. So at 33 Jesus was already playing with house money. So he lived a full life, went through a coupla hours of pain, and I'm supposed to base my life around him because of it? Really?

Of course, I taunted my gout and got bit in the ass for it. Looking forward to the grand piano falling outta the sky for this one.

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