Sunday, November 16, 2008

One Thing I Know: Women

For away basketball games during high school we'd wear a shirt and tie on the bus, and after arriving at the school and wowing the town with our whimsical yellow button-down Oxford shirts and clip-on ties we'd get changed in the Visitor's Locker Room, which was sports-ese for Girl's Locker Room. Thinking about those locker rooms now, I recall that each shower was carefully cordoned off with a curtain or some such, providing each young lady with complete privacy. Meanwhile, our own boys locker room had no such thing - the showers were grouped together 4 or 6 nozzles with "dividers", and provided absolutely no privacy.

Looking back, it's funny to me that the opposite wasn't true...wouldn't it be more a-propos for a young man of 14, 15 or so to be worried about the size of his penis in comparison with his peers, and demand complete privacy? Yet we had none, and I don't remember it even occurring to me or anybody else to cover up. Walking around, dicks previously undetected a-flappin' for all to see. And meanwhile, what's there for the girls to hide? If you had no tits, it was just as evident in Algebra as in the showers. If you were fat, we all knew that too. You'd think THEY'D be the ones who wouldn't bother to care about privacy. But they did.

Step 14 towards me understanding women and their body issues. Only 45,330 to go.

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