Thursday, November 06, 2008


A lot of people are spending time enjoying the now-daily leaks about more and more shit Palin got wrong as Team McCain is throwing her under the bus (gee...who nailed this 2 months ago? what a mystery!!)

Pouncing on mistakes like her thinking Africa is a country instead of a continent is kinda fun from a comedy point of few, but I personally don't go too crazy about these things. Just like Jessica Simpson; anybody with a spotlight on her/him who talks enough is gonna say something we all can pounce on as "stupid." So many of those things I can let go as just what they are, gaffes etc. Good for laughs, but they never SCARED me at all.

But what I DO find incredibly stupid/telling is her refusing to take advice before her infamous Couric interview. This to me actually does speak volumes, and it really does showcase her to be Bush Part II - the hubris-filled cowboy who can't imagine there being anything important that she doesn't already know.

Now that IS scary.

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