Monday, November 03, 2008

Things That Amuse Me Right Now

- On more than one occasion recently I have been told that if I loved socialism so much I should move to Europe. Which is funny, cause…there are no Socialist countries in Europe. Would I just be standing there, giving money to myself over and over? Or wait – is this actually a compliment; does this mean that I should go over there and START a new country? I am capable of such a thing? REALLY? How flattering! Thank you!

- It’s also funny to me that all this “socialism” talk started with Joe the Plumber. What other talking points should we be taking from Joe the Plumber? And does anybody know what he’s promised to accomplish in his first 100 days as Puppet Master?

- It’s amusing when fans of the right snidely remark that Obama somehow has a “Messiah” complex. Really? Who started a war in the Middle East because “God told me so”? Obama? REEEEEEEAlly?

- I like it when you’re out, and somebody in the place is gay, and some dude announces “he just better not come on to ME!!” Logic being, of course, dude likes dudes, so he has to come hit on you. Hey, you know who else likes dudes? Chicks. Are they swarming all over you too, numbnuts? Hmm.

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