Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Today V

After a victory, I don't think I will feel vindictive, I hope I don't feel like yelling "fuck you!" to the other side. Mostly I'll feel what I feel now, relief washing over. I think a part of me will feel like a kid who finally gets rid of his abusive father.
I'm 14 and my mother and father are fighting again... y'know, because she caught him again. Caught him... This time the girl drove by the house to pick him up. And I finally realized, he wasn't just cheating on my mother, he was cheating us. So I told him, I said, "You're bad to us. We don't love you. I'll take care of my mother and my sister. We don't need you any more." And he made like he was gonna hit me, but I didn't budge. And he turned around and he left. He never bothered us again.

Christ. These people have me fucking quoting City Slickers, for fuck's sake. WHEN WILL THE NIGHTMARE END?!?!?!?!??!!

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