Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Today VII

I actually got a laugh while standing in line today. I found myself behind 3 or 4 young, Hispanic kids who were beaming to be there. "How nice" I thought, patting myself on the back for being so amazing. Then one of the workers started talking to an old lady off to the side, who proudly proclaimed that all these people (sweeping her hand along the direction of the people ahead and behind me) were her grandchildren. I looked around and realized I was smack in the middle of about 8 or 10 of her grandchildren. Then she says "after this, we're all going back to the house where I cooked a huge chicken dinner!"

I couldn't help myself: "Can't wait, Grandma!"

Brought down the house! Poignant AND funny, my new thing!! :)


Tricia said...

you're so multicultural, I mean multitalented.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were in the wrong line, or we are seriously in need of poll watchers at your precinct (BTW, who did the kids vote for?)