Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Zero Zero UFO

Anytime talk of "is there life in outer space?" and UFOs comes up, there's always one dorm-room philosopher who smugly remarks that if there was life out there, why would they wanna come bother with the likes of simpletons like us? Snidely implying that since he realizes how "stupid" the human race is that makes him WAAAAAAY smarter than the rest of us idiots who would are dumb enough to think we're worthy of interplanetary inspection. Only he knows there are higher levels of intellect, of course; more so than even he himself is privy to.

First of all, that guy is an idiot and a jackass. Yes, he will go home with the girl cause that's the kind of shit girls fall for, but know that he's a jackass. And the sheer vastnesss of the universe makes it foolish to somehow rule out that life in some form doesn't exist elsewhere. Whether that life is paramecium or Joe Montana, who knows.

As for UFOs, it's occurred to me that if there really have been UFO sightings here on Earth, including a bunch of "secret" sightings hidden by NASA and the government, why are the vehicles we send out into space so incredibly different than the ones everyone claims to witness? In fact, the ones we use are pretty much the EXACT OPPOSITE of "UFOs" that are routinely described by "witnesses." If other civilizations from other planets are so much more advanced than our stupid, simple pea-brained one, wouldn't our scientists be copying their spacecraft pretty much note for note? Hmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The military has been trying to reverse engineer the Roswell craft in conjunction with its autopsy of the Greys for decades. From these experiments have come several technological advances, but no flying saucers to the common knowledge. Don't you watch History Channel, Xmas? Are real historians pissed that this (incredibly interesting) crap is considered within their baliwick?