Friday, December 05, 2008

Art is Life is Art

This morning on the bus while crossing the GW Bridge my mind for some reason flashed to a scene from An American Tragedy, the one where Clyde gets mistaken for his similar-looking cousin by Sondra, whom he has been smitten with. Of all the girls in the book I must say my #1 crush was Sondra, as I imagined her with soft brown eyes, brown hair falling over her forehead, and tanned skin under some dark peach linen blouse. I guess like Norma Jean Bissell in the Soup books I read as a kid, this is what it’s come to - dreaming of having imaginary girls in books written decades ago falling in love with me. Sigh. Quite a life I’m putting together over here.

ANYways, I was thinking of it for what I thought was no reason, except that when I got to the office I went to get a cup of coffee, and from behind I heard a girl say “Hi!” As I was turning around, she bashfully apologized, she thought I was someone else, so sorry. My heart gasped as I turned to look at her - was this my Sondra, come to life?!?!! Heart heart heart!!

Nope. Fat and ugly, as it turns out. But how weird is it that the scene happened in real life, shortly after I had thought of it? I will now think about a hot mother/daughter scenario I once read about in Penthouse Forum Life - funny sometimes, eh?

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