Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Caroline Kennedy

My first instinct upon hearing she may be interested in replacing Hillary is one of excitement, as I am an unapologetic sucker for the Kennedys. But the fact is, we cannot allow this to happen - letting her become a Senator basically just cause she's a Kennedy and we all feel sorry for her/get excited by her celebre (that should be with an accent aigu over the e), wouldn't that just give more free reign to the rest of the Bushes to swarm the White House? Is this really the direction I hope for, one which leads to a country ruled on sheer logic/reasoning/quality/experience etc? Would letting Joey from Friends become a Senator be next?

But as I'm typing this, I realize that I dunno..of the 100 current Senators, I have zero idea of what "experience" about 98 of them had coming into the Senate. No idea. And yet I've never raised an objection their seats in the Senate.

Hell, for all I know she's more qualified than Hillary was when she was elected.

So I can see both sides right now. Tho I am weary not only of celebrity choices for such a position, but of such ABSURDLY EASILY POUNCED-ON lightning-rods of potential charges of nepotism/bs etc etc. So we'll see.


Whirling House said...

Don't forget the accent grave on the middle e of celebre you snooty liberal french wanna be**. I should know, I majored in Freedom*.
*It was actually a French major but Congress changed it to a Freedom major.
**I actually had to google celebre to make sure about the accent.

Xmastime said...

duly noted!

ps - who writes your "freedom" jokes; the "why dont they make the whole plane out of the black box" guy? ;)

Kiko Jones said...

Aside from the question of Caroline Kennedy's expertise--I'm guessing she's probably as qualified, if not more, than half of the current senators were right before they took the job--it's also politically convenient for Gov. Patterson to choose her, due to her strong political connections and fundraising abilities, which would benefit him when he has to run for his own job in 2 years. We'll see...

Nerdhappy said...

Webb/Kennedy 2016!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be an indication of the continued embarassment that NY politics is to give her the position. Then again, based on HRC, the voters would probably elect her anyway with no regard for her qualifications or connection to the state. Really people - though a turncoat, at least Webb was from VA. The forum shopping is a sad trend in a transient world - and here comes McAuliffe to VA. Sheesh. YORF

Anonymous said...

you know, i'm going back and forth on this issue. i would respect it alot more if she declared her candidacy for '10 before getting the nod. that being said, having a dude who bought the mayorship, and one across the river who bought the gov's office, this money/legacy crap is getting tiresome ... and everybody knows that lunatic pete king would give us way better front pages