Thursday, December 04, 2008

Christ, I Miss Mad Dog

Another GREEEEEAAAAAT thing about Francessa is it's impossible for him to even pretend he is curious about anything other than himself. For instance, a dude just called in from the Bronx, and his name is Chops. Fatcessa: "blah blah blah Giants Plaxico blah blahzzzzzzz blah..." and on and on. How the FUCK can Mike not take a second to ask this guy where the fuck "Chops" the name comes from? Are you kidding me? My house could be on fire, but if the dude that tells me it called "Chops", I'm taking a few seconds to ask about it. THEN I guess I'll run in to save my collection of dolls made out of my nipple hairs. For fuck's sake. Come back Doggie!!!!!!

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