Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Curt 4 Preznit!!!!

Gee, the brilliant Curt Schilling has done it again - according to him, soldiers in Iraq are saying they're winning! He did it, he cracked the code!!!

Cause it's not like we've heard these "reports" from soldiers since the day the "war" started. Hmm. And I'm sure it's impossible to find an equal number of soldiers that would say the exact opposite. But hey, Curt plays video games, so we should take his word for it.

Next up from Curt: trees report on the forest! Stick around!

ALSO...hey, dipshit - a table doesn't NEED 4 legs; it can get by just fine with only three. Or hell, one if it's a nightstand. If you're going to try to come up with something metaphorical, please have one of the 12 year-old video game wizards you must surround yourself with do the job for you. Cause, remember, you're stupid.

Fucking idiot.

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