Thursday, December 18, 2008

Diet Coke Nutbags

For the last few weeks I've had a default bodega I pop in to buy 2-liter bottles of Diet Coke when I'm in need. And the same thing happens every time: I pay, the bottles sit there on the counter for about 15 seconds before the guy finally asks "oh, would you like a bag for those?"

What the fuck - am I high? Is this something I've completely missed; people walking down the sidewalk with 2-liter bottles a-swinging, happy as larks? I really hafta fucking ask for bags here?



Nerdhappy said...

Diet coke will kill you my friend, drink the real thing!

Tricia said...

I thought you only drank diet coke with me during fashion week. and now you're buying it at bodegas??

Anonymous said...

all bottled liquids over 16 oz. should come in containers with handles.

Kiko Jones said...

I'm w/Nerdhappy on this one, dude.