Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Father Xmastime

It also occurred to me over the weekend that there's no reason I shouldn't become a priest. For one, then odds of me ever having sex again are slim to none, so what else is there to not being a priest? I suck at making money, but wouldn't hafta worry about it as a priest, as my room and board would be taken care of for the rest of my life. I lead a fairly spartan life as it is now, so it won't be such a huge change for me. So I might have to give up Prell shampoo, bfd. Also, at least once a week I'd have a trapped audience who would hafta sit through my "riffs" and stories. Sure I don't believe any of the stuff, but I figure if Ryan Seacrest can date women I can spread fairy tales every Sunday. And vestment robes can be slimming!!!

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