Tuesday, December 02, 2008

His ONE Good Point!

I've been laughing about this for a few years now...you know, the one thing that Bush CAN feel good about, fighting AIDS in Africa, you never hear about from his crew, do you? I've mentioned to RRTHUR (yes ladies, THAT Rrthur) several times that you know what, the one thing Bush HAS tried getting right - how come we don't really know about it?

And stop right there you "he just wants the work to be done, he doesn't want the credit" jackasses - this is a guy who told us that "God" told him to invade the Middle East, and then was so modest he wore a flight suit under a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner. So shut the fuck up.

I've been bemused for years that the AIDS fight in Africa has been the one thing that's POSITIVE about W, but it always looks like he doesn't even know it himself, does it? It's a shame, really...he does one thing right in 8 years, and he has no fucking idea. (Rove: "Cause God hates faggots!")

BUT. In the name of magnominity, I will take this moment to pat W on the back for his work with AIDS in Africa.
Even the work of the ignorant can help those in need.

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