Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hmm. A Mystery.

For some reason I stumbled onto this story. High school football star, pulled over by a cop, shoots himself while cop is in cop car running license check. Okay, I thought. Whack, but must've been some reason he offed himself. Stranger things have happened.

The report within this article:
It's not clear why 17-year-old Billey Joe Johnson was stopped in Lucedale, but authorities say the junior tailback shot himself with a shotgun after the deputy walked back to the patrol car to run a license check.

"The deputy was sitting in his patrol vehicle ... when he heard a gunshot and saw the victim laying on the ground by the driver's side door of the vehicle that Johnson was driving. A shotgun was lying on the victim," according to a statement from the George County Sheriff's Department.

Authorities would not immediately say whether they believed the shooting was a suicide or an accident.

Now, what's interesting to me is that the writer of this article picks the last paragraph out of this to talk about as being "perplexing":
The last portion of that quote is particularly perplexing, because it is hard to believe that Johnson would have attempted to pull a shotgun on police officers

Really? Actually, the part of the above quote that is "perplexing" to me is the statement that somehow, "It's not clear why 17-year-old Billey Joe Johnson was stopped"...really? How is that possible? Wouldn't that be a fairly clear-cut, by the book thing that is fairly easy to answer? As in, "Hey, why did you stop this kid?" How is there no record of that?

So nobody seems to know WHY this kid was stopped, cause gee, I guess that's just something that cops don't keep track of. And yet nobody here has any trouble making the leap to the possibility of Johnson attempting to pull a gun on the cop. Ain't that something.


Cookieface said...

Er...not to mention, it's pretty hard to blow yourself away with a shotgun...not even taking into consideration a tight space such as, um. a car.

There is a little more to this story, Methinks.

Xmastime said...

Cookieface is on the case!!!