Monday, December 29, 2008

Honesty Is the Best Policy, Sometimes Just Cause It's Fucking Easier

As a young man with a paradoxic working relationship with both industry and awesome laziness, I often found myself caught in a web of lies I had strewn to get out of work that in the end would've taken about a tenth of the time and effort than the lying ever did. My piece de resistance of course found HERE.

Which is what I think of nowadays, when you can't turn on the tv without Cheney/Rice/Rove et al killing themselves going from show to show, desperately trying to revise the history of Bush's presidency. I don't understand who they think they're going to fool into completely erasing their brains clean of any memory of the past eight years and think "gee, Bush was awesome!!" Their standard "Bush will be remembered favorably in 50 years" nonsense is about as credible as someone saying that in 100 years, Bin Laden will be praised for his role in 9-11. As in you can expel any amount of bullshit from your mouth that cannot be proven within your own lifetime. You know, when the one thing you can parade around that was "positive" about Bush's presidency is that there has not been an attack on our soil since 9-11 when said idea does not erase the fact that Bush is the only president who has had a terrorist attack on our soil, maybe you need to try to find something else to trumpet. Especially since what if something happens before noon on January 20? Then oh shit, your one caveat, gone!!

But back to my original point...all the lying, all the bullshit, all the cover-ups, all the over-reaching just for the sake of over-reaching, all the work put in to cover up the cover-ups - at some point everybody, including Bush himself, is gonna say "oh, for fuck's sake, it woulda just been easier to do the fucking right thing from time to time!" After the last eight years, what have they gained? Money? Power? They already had all that. Bush et al could've had a nice little run, fueled by proper handling of the surplus he was handed in 2001 along with the added presidential glory of handling 9-11 correctly. But he decided to go completely batshit, work twice as hard doing so many things exactly wrong, and now he and his people are going to have to spend every minute the rest of their lives desperately trying to convince everybody he wasn't the worst president ever. Good luck.

ps - before you send in your comments, yes I know there are plenty of things that you somehow know about that I don't re: tough choices that nobody wants to make while making the sausage, if you will. I thank you in advance for pointing out that the role of the president isn't to frolic with puppies and eat ice cream sundaes. Thanks!

pps - yes, I know it's all Clinton's fault anyway. Thanks!

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