Sunday, December 14, 2008

More K-Rod

I see that Peter Abraham of my Yankees blog slice agrees with me re: K-Rod being a fucking idiot.
No new baseball news today. But Francisco Rodriguez proved what a good fit he’ll be with the Mets by declaring they’re the team to beat. Just what the cockiest team in the game needed, another cocky player. I’m sure the Phillies will be thrilled to see K-Rod point to sky and scream every time he gets three easy outs in a 7-4 game. Mariano Rivera should hold a deportment school for closers.

The Mets probably lose five games a year because the other teams in their division can’t stand them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love this blog, but for a Yankee fan you sure spend an awful lot of time preoccupied with the Mets. I seem to recall that whiskey-drinkin Indian on your squad doing a demonstative Jeterian Fist Pump the one time David Delluci failed to hit one of his deliveries 500 feet.

What's a guy from Virginia doing as Yankee fan anyhow? Let me guess -- you arrived in NYC in 1998?