Friday, December 12, 2008

My Luck May Finally Be Turning

On the bus after work today, a smoking hot chick sat down across the aisle next to me. Minutes later as the bus became packed, a little old Chinese lady found herself standing in the aisle, so I gave up my seat so she could sit. As it happened, the next stop was hers, so I got to sit right back down again. My AMAZING grace and generosity witnessed by the hot chick next to me. So I got to score points impressing the hot chick, and I still got to sit down for 99% of my ride.

Of course, nothing happened with the hot chick, but I would be remiss not to assume that if I had found myself in such a position a year ago I would've been left standing the whole ride, would've somehow bumped into the hot chick and completely annoying her, the bus would've been at a complete standstill and I'd somehow make out with a dude. So. Maybe there's hope after all.

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