Friday, December 12, 2008

NCAA Jackasses

One of the more absurdly hypocritical arguments given throughout the years for there not being a playoff in college football has always been "well, the players would miss too much class!" Cause yeah, that's what football players are really doing - going to class. Hmm. Hey, date rape does not take a vacation, people!!

The standard answer to this argument has always been "But Div II & III college football has playoffs - those kids have a playoff tournament of games and still manage to go to classes." The standard reply from the NCAA has always been to mumble while chewing on an apple, then pretending to get a phone call.

But as I'm watching the end of the JMU/Montana semifinal on tv, it dawned on me that the argument on the side of the NCAA is even MORE absurd than I had even thought before. Players in D-I schools can't have a playoff cause of their precious classes. Yet D-II & D-II can. Which to me is ironic, since which group of kids do you think actually might need to go to class? The D-II/D-III kids have almost ZERO chance of going to the NFL, so they might actually need to pay attention in Biology 301. Some dude from Florida, what does he care - he's a stud in a stud program who's every move on the field over four years has been recorded and sent to the NFL scouts.

You know what's fun? Spending years shaking your head at the dumbness/hypocrisy of an argument, then realizing it's even MORE dumb/hypocritical than you had even dreamed! Wow.

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