Friday, December 05, 2008


I don't know every fact of the OJ case, I have not studied it, but it don't quite sit right with me. I mentioned HERE before how incredulous I was that no jurors were black. I don't know exactly what he did, but I don't think he kicked down a door and shoved some glocks in anyone's face - his sentence seems very steep, and reeks of "ha, we got you this time!!!" I'm not sure I'm ready to call him the second-most hated man in America as Kiko Jones does, since as long as Steven Tyler is alive I'd like to think he has a solid hold on that spot, but this whole thing ain't settlin right with me.


Kiko Jones said...

Yeah, then there's that other thing about two black people being dismissed from the jury. I don't have any info as to why, but still...

Xmastime said...

ridiculous. and I could live with 3 minutes going by without Fred Goldman popping up on my tv.

Whirling House said...

So, don't watch TV then.