Saturday, December 13, 2008


Watching him on that Oprah special last night, I was reminded that I really like Tom Cruise. I guess I find myself rooting for him cause he's such an easy punching bag, too. Yeah, his religion shit is whack, but he does seem sincerely nice. He seems like the rare type of person who, upon seeing you trip and fall on the sidewalk, would actually stop to see if you were okay. He's done enuff movies I like to offset the ones that are awful.

I don't think we could be buddies, as he seems too serious/intense. Although, it's that seriousness that ironically makes him a great audience - catch him on a late night show where the guest next to him is a comedian, dude laughs his ass off. He laughs in a way that looks like he's genuinely surprised and caught off guard by someone's hilarity. I dig that.

No, I don't have a crush on him (EEEEEEEEasy, Denzel!!), but he seems like too nice a guy to take the celebrity tabloid beatings he always does.

ps - as many times as I've seen it, now is the first time I've noticed I'll Be You is in Jerry Maguire.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He should win an Oscar for his part in Tropic Thunder. Best thing he's ever done, besides jumping up and down like a maniac on Oprah's couch.