Tuesday, December 09, 2008


If pressed to choose between listening to Coldplay or Steve Vai, I would hafta go with "C: having Abe Vigoda slooooooowly gnaw off one of my nuts." And then to hafta hear a song that combines the both of them? I believe I would then pick "D: playing the lead in Star Jones' episiotomy."

I mean, gotdam - Coldplay and Steve Vai? The country's not going thru enough right now? Really?

Tho in Vai's defense, he did take on the Karate Kid at the Crossroads.


Kiko Jones said...

Um, X: it's Joe Satriani, not Steve Vai, who's suing Coldplay. Or are you trying to be a smartass, as usual? Ha!

Vai was also pretty happening on the first David Lee Roth album, which is more VH than everything Eddie and Alex did with Hagar, combined.

Not like you care, but...

Xmastime said...

Skyscraper! ;)

Kiko Jones said...

Well, "I'm talkin' 'bout the Yankee Rose!" Ha!

Whirling House said...

"Star Jones' episiotomy". I am laughing. I am scarred.

Debating solo DLR vs Van Hagar...really?