Thursday, January 08, 2009

Being in a Play.

I'm thinking bout doing all my lines as Snagglepuss. How awesome would that be? Either I'd become a theatre legend based purely on my moxie, or eventually my amazing talent would transcend the voice. "Sure it's weird at first...but after a while you become transfixed by WHAT he's saying, and forget it's in the voice of a talking pink cartoon cat. He's the best." This seems like an almost no-brainer to me.

Hit the end of this video for a quick sample. This is making more and more sense as I think about it.


Nerdhappy said...

Whoa, all your lines? Did you get the part?!?

Xmastime said...

not thinking Snagglepuss will seal the deal!! ;)

Anonymous said...

SNL recently did this in a bit. You might want to reconsider.