Sunday, January 04, 2009

Bristol & Levi (When is John Cougar Gonna Write a Song About these Kids?)

Does anybody know when the hell the Palin kid and America's #1 redneck, ass-kicking hockey star are getting married? For being such a right-wing Jesus-y "family values" gal, Sarah Palin sure isn't in a rush to have the two of them not raising a child out of wedlock, is she? Strange. And yet she didn't mind hustling BabyDaddy out of high school before graduating so he could start working to "support his family." Last I heard, it was going to be a June wedding. I guess planning The Greatest Wedding Ever in Alaska is more important than the parents of her grandchild being, you know, married? Hmm.

And yes, Governor. I would still like to bang the fucking bejimminy jesus out of you.

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