Friday, January 09, 2009

Chickens, Roost, Friday, Yawn

Last week I questioned our sure-as-steel, unquestioned support for Israel HERE.

Today Matt Yglesias asks what America's involvement should be, concluding that
Any administration willing to publicly chastise an Israeli government will inevitably wind up ruffling some feathers and taking political heat for it, but it will almost certainly be for the Israelis' own good. Jimmy Carter's tough-love approach didn't win him any fans among Israel's most strident supporters, but at the end of the day, the resulting Egypt-Israel peace treaty has been enormously beneficial to Israel.

While I asked why the American people blindly agree to support Israel and Yglesias puts it on leadership, the two thoughts converge perfectly in such a timely fashion that I will now spend the rest of the night patting myself on the fucking back as I am a fucking genius.

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