Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Commercials That Bite Themselves in the Ass

The commercial for this stuff has been on roughly 99% of the last tv viewing day. You know, Id've been fine with whatever commercial they ran if they didn't insist on saying "it's NATURAL!!" every 3 seconds. How can something be "natural" if you have to take a pill for it? I don't care what the shit it, but you overplay your hand and get called bullshit on when you insist on insisting so much. Like those fucking billboards for McDonald's with a Big Mac that reads "100% pure beef!!" or those McNugget commercials that insist on following you around the room, SWEARING that they're "real white meat!!!!" For fuck's sake, I know the shit is snake lips and paper mache, and I'm fine with it cause I love the shit - but DON'T try to fucking swear you're something you're not, cause that's when I get pissed. Grrrr. "Natural." Right.

I will now clear the comments section for a nice, healthy round of dick jokes.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

Someone in their marketing dept got a pat on the back for suggesting "Thousand Oaks, CA" as the location.

And the guy who suggested "Little Twig, Vermont" got fired.