Sunday, January 11, 2009

Effuckingnuff Already!

For fuck's sake, where in the world is this Never-Neverland the Bushies et al keep yammering about that will "one day" declare that Dubya was a great president?? What part of Xanadu does this world exist in? For chrissake - here's a guy that couldn't see Sammy fucking Sosa had potential, yet he can see into the future that he'll be looooooooved by historians? Enough already, give it up.

And I'm also tired of the name Harry Truman being wheeled out every time he wants to talk about his legacy. Somewhere along the line someone decided that to hammer away with the Truman line was the answer; that if they say it enough times, people will start accepting it as fact. Like "no means no", I guess. And they refuse to let up now - "hey, it's just like with Truman" is the default go-to line whenever any reporter states the obvious with "haven't you been a terrible president?" Grr. Hey, wouldn't it be great if a reporter actually followed up with "really? How so?" and watch 43 stumble and bumble around for a few minutes, finally landing on what a great show M*A*S*H was.

Hey, whatever you think about Truman - unlike Dubyanuts, at least the dude knew how to end a goddam war.

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