Friday, January 02, 2009


Brothatime! just sent me this article by Michael Wilbon, who pretty much sums up how college football has managed to completely make New Years Day bowl games utterly worthless. All bowls, really - there are 34 bowl games being played this year - I'm sorry, during the "bowl season," as they call it. Exactly one of which the BCS tells us actually matters. I'm not a business expert, but doesn't that pretty much run polar opposite of good business?

We've all spent years screaming at the NCAA to have a playoff, we all know the absurdity of them refusing to, it's all been rehashed. And when was the last time the NCAA made a decision that makes any sense anyway? Hell, Pete Carroll has no idea who the fucking BCS actually is!!!!

Every year we work ourselves into a frenzy re: the NCAA refusing a playoff based on "exams,", or "too many games." Which is utter nonsense. But upon reading my above line about "good business," it's finally dawned on me that the real culprits are these jackoff fans who pop their hamstrings sprinting to dozens of bowl games that dont fucking matter! Does McDonald's say "hey, here's a Big Mac, it's absolutely the only item on our menu that matters" and then expect us to buy up the rest of the shit? Of course not. But the NCAA does, and we do. A good example is Brothatime!'s alma mater: just about every year UVa goes 6-5 and gets offered a chance to play against Shithead University in the Who Gives a Shit Bowl. And tens of thousands of UVa fans go running to any corner of the country their game is, and send millions and millions of dollars into the NCAA's mitts. Apply this to about 57 other teams, and you realize hell, why the fuck WOULD the NCAA change things? They themselves couldn't be any clearer: there's exactly ONE GAME that has any title implications whatsoever. And yet these hundreds of thousands of fans waste no time showing the powers that be that they'd rather lose their first born than miss out on a chance to watch their team go 7-5, desperately hurling as many dollars their way as humanly possible.

I know that to many people out there, their school going to a bowl is their one bust-nuts, go crazy, get the fuck outta town gig for the year. An excuse to get shit-faced with the fellas. I know this. I'm down with this. But here's a thought: how bout instead of spending thousands of dollars watching Ouchita Baptist take on mighty Sears & Roebuck State and sending a message to the NCAA that you're still on board giving them all your money for absolutely nothing, why not have that bust-nuts party somewhere other than the stadium? Don't fucking go. Hey, meet everyone at Hooters to watch the game across the street, I don't care. Don't buy the ticket, don't go, let there be thousands of empty seats on tv, and then, AND ONLY THEN will the NCAA have a "change of heart." In other words, once TELEVISION starts thinking "nobody gives a shit about these games, we should stop paying billions of dollars to air them," we might all of a sudden get a change. As long as these jackasses are willing to keep going to these fucking games, do you honestly think anything is gonna change? Of course not!!!!!


BayonneMike said...

I'm still waiting for your thoughts on why The Cowboys didn't win it all this year as predicted hee hee hee.

Xmastime said...

cause theyre a gutless team who can only play well when ahead. phillips has to go!

if it wasn't for the jets mets-esque choke job, the whole season woulda been a waste.