Tuesday, January 13, 2009

George Bush is a Goddam Genius

Joe Klein writes what a lot of us already know to be the unfortunate truth, that the sheer volume of stuff Obama has on his plate leaves pretty much no time to prosecute the Bush administration for any heinous war crimes possible wrongdoings. What he DOESN'T mention is the comic irony that the sheer volume of stuff due to Bush et al's fuckups is what's gonna get them off the hook - as I said back in November:
Again, I really hafta give it to Bush - the sheer NUMBER of piles and messes he has left for his successor to work on is also THE REASON he cannot be held accountable for them. Amazing. Cap doffed! To whit more Xmas:

But I will give credit where it's due to Bush. The comedian Sinbad (fuck you, I'll put his two early 90's specials up against most anything) once had a riff about having a 12am curfew, saying if you're gonna get the same whupping anyway, why get a 12:01am whupping? Screw that, make it worth your while - get a 5:30am whupping!!! Clinton got a 12:01 whupping - slipping quietly in, stepping on a creaky board just barely. No matter what he had accomplished before, no matter than in the grand scheme of things the blowjob didn't really matter, he still got a whuppin. Bush on the other hand is shooting himself out of a cannon through the front door, naked except for shaving cream and bull urine and waving a bottle of Old Crow around shouting out "wassssssup, motherfuckers!!!!!" while setting off firecrackers and eating the family dog. Whereas Clinton got a whuppin, Bush is getting the "it's late, just go to bed we'll talk about this in the morning" treatment. I secretly hope he knows this and tries to get away with what he can before January, just to see how far he can push it, just for kicks.

Quoting myself within quoting myself!! Yes!
Sorry, but when the rest of the internet catches up to me, I'll stop having to quote myself constantly.

Bush: a fucking genius. I really think I'm gonna miss this guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What will your write about? I predict his departure will reduce your posts by 75 percent. A good thing, I think.