Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Guest Post: THEODORE!!!!

The woman who edged out the former veep candidate for the title of Miss Alaska 1984 is slotted to perform at not one, but two inaugural balls in Washington, D.C.

Maryline Blackburn, who eventually traded in her tiara for a career as a professional singer, plans to celebrate Barack Obama's ascension to the presidency with gigs at swanky bashes hosted by star musicians Ludacris and Dionne Warwick.

Oh, for fuck's sake! I TOLD YOU this - you give this people an inch, they'll take a mile!! And probably your car stereo! Now all of a sudden they're ALL gonna be getting jobs in DC, right? Fucking hell. Let me guess: the national bird will be switched to the Popeye's 3-piece combo. YOU ARE WARNED, PEOPLE!!!!

Let's hope the term "White Sale" doesn't change meaning in the next four years,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?