Friday, January 23, 2009

Guns are for Fairies

The red-state redneck NRA-loving nut jobs who fight against gun control need to quit being such fucking pussies. If they're trying to insist that a 12 year-old retard loaded up on vodka gimlets should be able to walk into a Wal-Mart and walk out 10 minutes later with a flame-throwing bazooka, they also need to insist he be able to drive home. How can these people raise such a fuss over any rules visa vis guns, but seem okay with there being rules for driving a car? Pretty weak, you fucking pussies. If you're all gung-ho to get all Mad Max on us, you better go all the way. Until you've broadened your fight to allow me to drive a school bus loaded up on smack while randomly spraying the neighborhood with one of your precious little machine guns, you look like a bunch of cherry-picking faggots. I, for one, am not impressed. "From my cold dead hands"? How bout "From my cold, dead limp-wristed hands clutching my European carry-all"?

Fucking pussies.


Nerdhappy said...

Xmastime is the frontrunner for Democrat of the Year!

Anonymous said...

Well said. Is that you, Theodore? YORF