Friday, January 09, 2009

Hey, I Thought You Were "Retired"?

"Tickets move fast for Jay-Z’s inaugural week concert"
Tickets for Jay-Z’s “Concert for Change” — a show taking place the night before Barack Obama’s inauguration on January 20 — sold at a rapid clip on Friday morning, leaving only the highest online bidders with the chance to see the hip-hop superstar honor the president-elect.

The cheapest seats for the show, located in the balcony of Washington’s Warner Theatre, cost between and $100 and $195 depending on the view.

REEEally? $100-$195 for the "cheap" seats? How is this a "Concert for Change"; how does this "honor the president-elect"? What fucking bullshit. Doesn't this sound more like "How can Jay-Z use this historic moment to make even more fucking money for himself"? - that's not change; that's the shit we've been enduring for 8 fucking years!! It should be "...see the hip-hop superstar honor the outgoing president, a fellow money-grubbing scum-sucking opportunist."

Fucking douche.

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