Friday, January 02, 2009

The Irish RM

I've mentioned several times throughout this site my memories of watching the Masterpiece Theatre presentation of The Irish RM as a little kid, during which I'd get maybe 5% of the humor, and laugh along bewildered while my dad would laugh uproariously to the rest. I'm reading the book now and while I understand a lot more, I'm also aware that as an American shit-kicker I'm still probably gonna miss a lot. I have a feeling I'm getting about a third of it dead on. Then there's another third that I think is funny that someone from Ireland or England wouldn't even notice, and then there's another third that THEY'D think funny that I'd completely miss. In other words if I and, say, James Joyce read the book side by side we'd only laugh at the same bits about a third of the time. Well, and I guess I'd have to have died. Which would make me sad :(

This clip is dedicated to The Fashion Herald, who I know loves those MT period pieces. Enjoy!

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