Sunday, January 04, 2009

Jeb 2012

I once read a story about some dude in the early 1960's in Massachusetts named John Kennedy who ran for some local public office and won by a landslide simply because of his name. I thought of this guy when I saw this article about Bush 41 saying he'd like to see Jeb Bush elected president. My first thought was to laugh - at this point, I would guess REGGIE Bush couldn't run for assistant jock-sniffer in the Saints' locker room and win, just cause of his name. Of course, after about 30 seconds I remembered this is America, and it would not shock me if somehow George Bush got elected again. But still.

The world is littered with guys who find themselves overshadowed somewhat by their older brothers; even yours truly felt this in his youth.

Algebra teacher: oh, are you Brothatime!'s little brother?
Xmas: yeah.
Algebra teacher: the Brothatime! that invented algebra?
Xmas: yeah.
Algebra teacher: oooooh, what a joy - I'll be watching YOU this year!!
Xmas: sigh.

But if there was ever a guy who felt like he was playing with house money when it came to this, wouldn't it be Jeb Bush? I mean, basically all he has to do is not blow up the world or somehow make chocolate disappear, and he'd pretty much be a better president than his older brother, no?

Random Foreign World Leader:'re Dubya's little brother?
President Jeb: yeah.
Random Foreign World Leader: the...Dubya who has made the US dollar about as useful as tits on a bull?
President Jeb: yeah. (both men start stifling laughter) man, is Christmas at Kennebunkport gonna be SWEET this year!!!

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