Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Liberal Bias

As annoying as it is watching right-wingers cry and moan about the "liberal bias" of the press (is it me,or has such complaining become even more unabashed lately?), what's even more aggravating is that if such bias exists, why is the press so bad at it? For instance yesterday in his press conference Bush bemoaned that he "inherited a recession." Which is a blatant lie. And yet not one reporter at the press conference asked the president "Really? what recession? By 'recession', do you mean to say 'humongous surplus?'" Nor, throughout the day, did anyone on cable news bring this up.

Yeah. Another crazed, bloodthirsty left-wing biased "GOTCHA!" moment for the poor, beleagured right. Hmm.


Anonymous said...

A surplus (of money extorted from the people through taxes) based on inflated expectations of an non-existent dot-com economy. Recession was imminent because the "fundamentals" of that economy were unsound. Always remember cause and effect. . .
I did find the press conference to be pretty gutless considering the "questions" answered and seemingly admitted were the same baseless propoganda we have heard from said media for 7 and 51/52 years. Why give them any credence? YORF!!

Xmastime said...

what ive learned today:

1) taxes = extortion
2) Clinton's fault!

Nerdhappy said...

Isnt it obvious that the economy's problems can be traced to George Bush I?

Anonymous said...

Better chance that the problems do go all the way back to GBI because I heard about our "wretched economy" from Day 1 of GWB. Then when 7 years later it came true,everyone thinks this is because of Bush. Consumer confidence drives the economy so don't trick me into believing that not having Al Gore in office ruined the economy just so the self-fulfilling prophecy is vindicated. And yes, I feel like taking my money under penalty of law, wasting it on entitlements to others while telling me it will all come back around to me and then merely redistributing to those who refuse contribute to the economy or society seems like extortion. I too Hope for Change with Audacity but I am pretty sure where it won't be coming from. YORF