Monday, January 26, 2009

More Gitmo BS

I mentioned the hypocrisy of the right when it comes to closing Gitmo HERE. And now they're crying and whining re: bringing the detainees onto American soil to process and imprison if need be. For all their macho, hawkish talk when it comes to killing 'em all and letting God sort 'em out, these people sure turn into pansies when the shit gets close to home, don't they?

As if bringing one of the Gitmo Guys over here automatically means they'll escape and then slit every throat in Bumfuck's Drawers, USA. There were 11,500 prisoners who escaped last year. Which sounds like a lot, until you realize we have over 2,300,000 prisoners. So that means one-half of one percent of prisoners escape. And that includes minimum security joints, where you can pretty much breeze in and out if you're wearing your Matchbox 20 t-shirt. So the odds on these guys, who I'm sure will have EXTRA security on them anyways, breaking out is very slim. In other words, one thing our government seems fairly good at is finding people to stuff our prisons with and keeping them there.

Hey, nobody wants a prison in their backyard. I understand that. But if you're gonna act big and tough while bloviating re: policing the world, you hafta do a little better than putting them on a far-off island where nobody's sure if actual laws really apply. More faux-hawishness bullshit from the right.

Another thing that cracks me up is that nobody waxes poetic about the competence of men in uniform like these very people who are crying to not let the Gitmo Guys be held in prisons over here. These jagoffs can sniff a camera from miles away and fire up the waterworks re: how brave and amazing the troops are, and how amazing our homeland security guys are etc etc. But when it comes to stopping about 200 guys shackled and behind huge walls from escaping and killing everybody at every Wal-Mart in the country, well no no no; obviously they can't handle THAT!!

If we're going to be grown-ups about this whole thing, we hafta quit being such pussies. If we're gonna be grownups, we hafta quit telling the world we're scared of men we've had shackled for almost a decade who prolly weigh 50 pounds each by now. Otherwise, put 'em all on a one-way Chinatown Bus back to where they came from, wish 'em luck and be done with it.

Otherwise, I believe a certain ex-president said it best: "Bring 'em on."

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