Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Show I Like For Some Reason

10 Items or Less had it's season premiere tonight. I don't know why I like this show so much - it's not even remotely funny, and there's no Mrs. Xmastimes. I spend most of the time watching completely baffled as to how it's even on television. I guess it has that "made in 1971 for $8" look to it that I like. And for some reason I feel like I'm the only person on Earth watching it, like a late-night movie of the week on some nothing channel. Plus I guess it reminds me of local grocery stores from my youth, with the bag boys bringing the stuff to the car, and handwritten sale signs, and people cashing their paychecks on Fridays, and the "office" which loomed 100 feet high over the whole dang place.


Cookieface said...

I watch this show too! bowling with frozen turkeys? Not particularly funny, but parlays the point that this store is "open" to whacky hijinx. The idea that other people think that this is hysterically funny is pretty funny. Remember, this is supposed to be for the intelligent side of the lowest common denominator.

Xmastime said...

right? this is one of those shows I’m hypnotized by, wondering “how did this make it past the writer’s meeting? do they actually think this shit’s funny? REEEally?

Anonymous said...

I have heard good things about the show, so I set it up for TIVO. I have only watched a few minutes of last night's turkey bowling, but I am willing to give it a shot. Any sitcom not featuring the fat guy/hot wife myth or Charlie Sheen these days is a good start.

Xmastime said...

good point. maybe THAT'S why i like it so much. well, or keep watching it.

Cookieface said...

Some Key Points:

1)The store manager tries too hard to be Michael Scott.

2)Bowling with Frozen Turkeys would have been a funny schtick in the early 90s when "haha, look at all the childish-yet-quirky things we men do and think are funny and all you ladies pretend to be exasperated by but really find charming" was new and clever. Now it's just like, "Guess what? No way in hell I'd f*ck a guy who worked in a grocery store...unless, of course, all the cameras were on.

3)Do people still go to grocery stoers?

Tricia said...

so we can top this show next fashion week, right? just getting you pumped up. and no damn wussy play better be cutting into my Xmastime screen time (sob!).

Xmastime said...

ah, the green monster of envy does not suit you, FH!!!