Sunday, January 18, 2009

Teenage Girls

I'm watching my 78,000th straight episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, and one of them has a 16 year-old daughter who's now upset cause her boyfriend was pissed that the little skirt et al she showed up in makes her look like a stripper. And now not only is the girl upset, but the MOTHER is pissed off at the boyfriend too! Wtf??!! Wouldn't she be on his side? As in "I don't want my daughter dressing like a slut either"? Wouldn't she in fact APPRECIATE this from him?

Big Bear has a little sister, and I hope to have a great relationship with her as she grows older. But I already know I won't like any of the boys that come knocking on the door for her during the high school years. However, I do think that if one dude out of the pack demanded that she wear a burlap sack covered by two parkas and then another floor-length burlap sack, and a football helmet, I think he'd definitely be the dude that gets my vote. I know there's prolly too much sun in Orange County, but what the hell is wrong with these parents??!!

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