Friday, February 20, 2009

And Now, a Word from My BFF

Over at his SOAPBOX, Charlie Daniels advice!!!!

1) Always be on time.
2) Stay as long as it takes to get a project done.
3) Get along with everybody.
4) Put yourself into your work and be as productive as possible, no matter how humble your job may be, do it better and more of it than anybody else.
5) Attitude is everything.

Of course, as a rich, successful musician Mr. Daniels doesn't need to be on time, can stay or leave however long he likes, doesn't need to get along with anybody else, hasn't written a song anybody knows or cares about in 35 years, and doesn't need to have a particularly good attitude to get what he wants. But hey, still - THANK YOU CHARLIE DANIELS!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He forgot to add number 6: Unless you're Mexican, black or Jewish. If you're one of these, go buy a plane ticket.