Sunday, February 01, 2009


Sully has a quote from some dude talking about atheists trying to convert religious people over to their side. I didn't know such a thing really existed, I would think it would be a false kind of logic - how do you convince people to convert to something whose sole premise is that something doesn't exist? Wouldn't it be like trying to convince some dude who's at a raging party to come over to your empty apartment?

Dude: Well, I left the party...we had strippers, cake and bacon that wraps around my head. But you convinced me, so I'm here...whaddya got?
Dude: Well...nothing.

Seems odd to me. I guess I consider myself an atheist, but I'm not really a willfull atheist. I'd love to have some sort of epiphany and find out there's some pie in the sky that's gonna take care of me and set me up in a land of gumdrops and blowjobs after I die, but I just can't force myself to believe such a thing might exist. But I'm glad if anyone else believes in a god. I admire people of great faith, actually (as long as it does not bleed into governing, but that's a different post.) It would never occur to me to try to persuade someone else to abandon their faith, and I'm surprised there seems to be a small cottage industry at work there.

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