Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Bern Baby Bern

Bernie Goldberg needs to do a better job (or a job, even) of explaining what he means when he comes on tv every night and accuses the media of desperately wanting Obama to succeed - being, and I quote, "invested in his success."

A president's success is usually vaguely dull. For instance, if you polled the country and asked if they remembered Bill Clinton for the Family and Medical Leave Act, or that he got a blowjob from an intern, which would win? Hmm. A mystery. And which one gave the media years and years of 24/7 red meat to draw people to the screen/print?

In other words, the best thing for THE MEDIA would be to find out Obama can't read, has Nathalie Holloway tied up in his room and HATES white people. Bernie needs to explain why the media is licking it's chops in feverish anticipation of watching Obama quietly pass legislation and end an unpopular war, all while sending people back to work so they wouldn't be at home to watch tv all day. "Slobbering," indeed.

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