Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cap Doffed.

One of the more nebulous, “what the fuck are they talking about?” nonsensical things GOP mouthpieces have screeded about over the past year, particularly around the election, was “At least stand for SOMEthing!!”, looking as incredulous as possible into the camera; I guess to have us assume that they “stood for something” while Democrats were just vacuous tubes of wavering character and morals.

Which is funny since now they have tied their collective political futures to hoping that the stimulus package fails wildly. As in they have tied their collective political futures to, ta-da, NOTHING as opposed to that magical SOMETHING they sure talked about a lot.

However - if you can get around the fact that such a thing is a purely selfish gambit (”I don’t care how many more jobs my state loses as long as I get re-elected in 2010"), the fact is that I cannot imagine how this is not a win/win for the GOP. If the stimulus DOES fail, then the economy will be hurled even more into the shitter, leading voters to come out in droves to desperately keep as many of those who opposed it in office, hoping they’ll right the ship. And if it succeeds wildly? I think we’ve all seen over the last few elections how voters turn out. As in they only seem to get really interested if things are going tits-up; remember, it took the once-in-a-lifetime incompetence of Bush (who inexplicable finished ahead of six other former presidents in the latest “Best Prez” rankings; these 6 will heretofore be rememebered as the “Are You Shitting Me? 6”) to tilt Congress and the White House into Democratic favor. So if the bill works and the economy is once again buzzing along happily, the odds of voters bothering to turn up at the polls to kick the naysayers out of office I would think would be very slim (as in normal circumstances it's nearly impossible to get incumbents booted out anyway.) Therein leaving the same chutterfucks in their respective offices, whether the stimulus works or not. So while I feel bad for the millions of people whose lives will be greatly worsened just so these jagoffs can keep THEIR jobs, I can only be impressed by their ruthless sense of self-serving. If you're gonna do something, I guess you might as well do it well.

Well done!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Republicans are a show about nothing.

It all comes back to Costanza.

Xmastime for the fuckin' win.