Sunday, February 15, 2009

Douchebag du Jour


I love the Kinks. The Kinks are awesome; Days is an Xmastime funeral slice. And if you say you like the Kinks more than The Beatles, that's fine, that's your opinion. But GIHYB pushes it with the line
i still say, if they'd been given the budget the beatles had, there wouldn't be an argument for best british band of the 60s

Hmm. Really? You know, it's not like the Kinks pieced together live recordings of their songs in a shopping mall photo/recording booth with money they got collecting aluminum cans - the Kinks spent about three decades on nothing but major labels. Their discography consists of 25 studio albums, 6 live albums, 75 compilation albums and 78 singles. This doesn't sound like a group going around begging somebody, anybody, to put their records out or to give them studio time. Now, maybe they weren't able to lunge around Abbey Road and wait for divine inspiration like the Beatles were able to do in the latter half of their career, but...

...The Beatles were basically given the same shot as any band was. Okay, come in, record a single, see what happens. Love Me Do slowly went to #17, so they were given another chance, and they had the talent to write Please Please Me, their first #1. But even then, they were only given a single day to record their whole first album. And then of course the shit went bonkers from there, but at every step the Beatles EARNED whatever "budget" they had by selling bazillions of records - it's not like they were given an endless stream of money and studio time while everybody sat around for a decade hoping that they'd come up with something that would sell.

So to infer the Kinks weren't given a proper chance "unlike the Beatles" is silly - as a matter of fact, one might argue the Kinks were given a chance BECAUSE of the Beatles.

One thing I know GIHYB will try to come back with is to whine re: the Kinks allegedly being banned from America during the 60's, killing their chances of being big here like the Beatles were. Which may or not be true, but either way this 1) would have nothing to do with them not having as big a budget as the Beatles, and 2) doesn't explain why no Kinks album has appeared on the UK charts after 1967's Something Else, not a single one, yet EVERY KINKS ALBUM UP THROUGH 1984'S WORD OF MOUTH has, inexplicably, appeared on the US charts (with the exception of Village Green Preservation Society...which makes no sense as it's a great album.)

Again, I love the Kinks. And GIHYB was nice enough to come over and build walls in my loft for me, and hurt his back in the process. But he can't be allowed to get away with more whining about the "big, bad, bully Beatles!!" he loves to cry about.

GIHYB, TU EST LE DOUCHEBAG DU JOUR! Enjoy your time here. I'm sure you'll be quickly replaced by some other jagoff soon enough.

1 comment:

here. said...

i heard an anecdote the other day that their are 14,000 books written about abraham lincoln. i suppose i've got to get used to this. i need to remember that i didn't choose this gift-- it chose me. GIHYB has to do what's best for GIHYB, yada yada ... it humbles and inspires me that a 161 word essay can spawn a 516 word response ... even it comes from a masturbating circus bear.