Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A-Ha Moments

A coupla times a week I find myself following some girl into the train station, hypnotized by her beauty, following her down the platform and nonchalantly standing where she stands, so I can sit across her on the train and look at her with furtive glances until she runs over to me and promises to dedicate her life to loving me. Hmm.

All of a sudden yesterday it occurred to me that if I'm doing this with women, then what are the odds that some chick is following ME, hoping I'll see them and fall in love at first sight? Prolly 100%. So I figure from now on, every time I'm walking to the train I'll all of a sudden spin around 180 degrees, see who's following me/looking for love. I AM ON TO YOU LADIES OF NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing turns the ladies on more than admitting you're a stalker. You just scared off anyone who might have been remotely interested.