Thursday, February 26, 2009

If Only There Was a Way...

Mark Levin, one of my favorite right-wing radio comedians talk show hosts just said something interesting. He said that he's pretty sure that the overwhelming majority of Americans are against Obama and his way of thinking. And he must be right, cause Sean Hannity calls him "The Great One." Geez, I'm thinking right now...if only there was a way to find out exactly how many people DO like a certain politician, and to add those people up in a way to measure that number against the number of people who liked somebody else more, and then have THAT person as our president. Goddam. My brain is spewing smoke, cause I'd almost swear there has to be a way to do this, but I guess I'm not gonna be the one to come up with it, cause I'm fucking stumped. Dang :(

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Talk about delusional...these GOP fucks take the cake.